The Email Customer Journey: Keys to Success

Image for The Email Customer Journey: Keys to Success

The customer journey mapping process is one of the most valuable exercises a marketing department and an entire company undertake. Your email marketing strategy is one of the most effective ways to move prospects along a path to purchasing. But first… you need to understand where customers are coming from and where they want to go. Sinch Email on Acid partnered with Ascend2 to find out how best-in-class marketers approach customer journey mapping. We compiled survey results with insights for email marketers to help you start developing email customer journey maps.

Keys to journey mapping success

Spoiler alert: One of the keys to success is aligning email strategy with the customer journey. But first, you need a solid understanding of how different people move from having no idea what your brand is about to becoming loyal customers and brand advocates. That includes developing ways to use buyer personas with customer journeys. Then, your email campaigns will be set up to become the secret weapon that transforms browsers into buyers and skeptics into people who sing your praises.

This Email on Acid white paper answers:

  • What’s the best way to visualize the customer journey?
  • What are the common barriers to journey mapping success?
  • Who should be involved in the customer journey mapping exercise?
  • How many journey maps do you need?
  • Where should you get your data and customer insights?
  • How often should you update email campaigns based on your journey maps?

Get answers and advice to all those questions and more when you download our exclusive white paper, Effective Customer Journey Mapping: Keys to Success for Email Marketers.

Download Your Copy Now

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