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Email Marketing Terms: 150+ Definitions You Need to Know
If you’re new to email marketing, it might seem like this practice has its own language. If you find yourself saying “That’s Greek to me!” we’ve got a comprehensive list of email marketing terms you need to know. Even if you’re not a newbie, some of these email marketing terms may have flown under your … Continue reading “Email Marketing Terms: 150+ Definitions You Need to Know”
7 Rules to Follow for Email A/B Testing Done Right
Every audience is different, period.
One incentive to your audience could fall flat, while another soars. That is why it’s critical to test, test and test some more.
The Best GDPR Resources for Email and Digital Marketers
Find all the information you need about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how you can prepare for the rollout on May 25, 2018.
6 Creative Ways to Use Social Media in Your Email Campaigns
Email marketing is our bread and butter, but if you’re not integrating social media marketing into your email marketing strategies, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customer engagement. It’s advantageous to blend these channels and have them work together.
Are Your Emails Too Long? Discover the Ideal Length
Saying your readers have the attention span of a goldfish is a bit of a stretch, but studies show that people receive on average 126 emails per day. With so many messages crowding inboxes, how much time do your readers actually have to read them? Not a lot. If you want to make an impression, … Continue reading “Are Your Emails Too Long? Discover the Ideal Length”
Notes from the Dev: Using Emmet for Faster HTML Email Coding
How many keystrokes do you think you make when you code up a new email? Probably a lot. What if you could cut all that typing down drastically and develop campaigns faster than ever? That’s exactly what the Emmet toolkit can do for you. And in this episode of Notes from the Dev: Video Edition, … Continue reading “Notes from the Dev: Using Emmet for Faster HTML Email Coding”
HTML Email Doctype: What, Why, and Which One You Should Use
You may have copied and pasted it into email templates a thousand times, but how much do you know about the HTML doctype in your emails? It actually plays a very important part in helping email clients interpret your code. If you’re just trying to figure out what an HTML doctype is and which one … Continue reading “HTML Email Doctype: What, Why, and Which One You Should Use”
Five Effective B2B Email Marketing Techniques & Examples
We’ve seen plenty of great email marketing ideas from business-to-consumer (B2C) companies to inspire your next campaign. But what about business-to-business (B2B) email marketing ideas? B2B emails don’t have to be boring! If you’re looking to create some stand-out email marketing content as a B2B email marketer, you’ve come to the right place. In this … Continue reading “Five Effective B2B Email Marketing Techniques & Examples”
10 Best Practices for Email Design: Tips for Developers
Have you ever wondered why can’t you use the same fancy design in your email templates as on your website? This post will explain the basics and some limitations of email design.
Notes from the Dev: Advanced MJML Coding Techniques
It’s time for the exciting conclusion of our journey into one of the most popular email frameworks available: MJML (Mailjet Markup Language). Okay, so it wasn’t a huge cliffhanger or anything. But we are definitely excited to share the second half of this interview with you. When we last left Nicole Hickman, she just finished … Continue reading “Notes from the Dev: Advanced MJML Coding Techniques”
How to Use CSS Animations in HTML Email Design
Your team wants the next email campaign you code to stand out from the crowd, and they’ve asked you for an upgrade on simple static images. Now it’s your move on how to implement animated emails. After all, you can choose from so many different options, like animated GIFs or CSS animations. We’ve talked about … Continue reading “How to Use CSS Animations in HTML Email Design”
Email and B2C Content Marketing: How to Maximize Your Strategy
Email and B2C content marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly. They’re better together. Unfortunately, the two teams that are creating content and sending emails don’t always take the time to collaborate and communicate. That could mean missed opportunities for both email marketers and content marketers. Worse yet, it could mean the two teams … Continue reading “Email and B2C Content Marketing: How to Maximize Your Strategy”
The Top Email Frameworks for DIY Development
If you’re producing a large number of email templates, making frequent layout changes, using responsive design, working with a team of other developers, or creating emails at the direction of a design team, coding by hand is going to be difficult to sustain. What if there were a faster, more streamlined way of coding emails? … Continue reading “The Top Email Frameworks for DIY Development”
Notes from the Dev: Essential Advice on How to Use MJML
Writing code takes time. That includes coding responsive HTML emails. A good developer writes clean, concise code that gets the job done. Some might even call it elegant. What if there was a faster way to write a lot less code and make campaigns responsive on every email client and device? That’s the promise of … Continue reading “Notes from the Dev: Essential Advice on How to Use MJML”
Oops: Seven Tips for Writing an Apology Email
Oops, you did it again. You played with their hearts, got lost in the game. You didn’t mean to, of course, but you made a mistake, and now it’s in the inboxes of thousands of subscribers. Don’t worry. An apology email isn’t the end of the world. In this article, we’ll help you face the … Continue reading “Oops: Seven Tips for Writing an Apology Email”
Email Marketing Jobs: Should You Diversify Your Skill Set?
Do you think email marketing jobs are future-proof? Far be it from us to proclaim that email is dead or even dying out. However, things are constantly changing in the worlds of marketing, technology and customer communications. It’s worth asking how email fits into the bigger picture. Will your email marketing skills always be needed, … Continue reading “Email Marketing Jobs: Should You Diversify Your Skill Set?”
How to Prevent Phishing Scams from Impacting Brand Reputation
“You’ve received an inheritance. I need your bank account information to send you the money.” The email sender looks like a legitimate company. Sounds too good to be true, right? That’s because it most likely isn’t. This is a phishing scam in its most basic form. As a best practice, it’s a good idea to … Continue reading “How to Prevent Phishing Scams from Impacting Brand Reputation”
Big Announcement: EMC Paves the Way for Email Standards
If I stand in front of my monitor and yell “email standards” three times, will they appear? If you hang out for any length of time in the world of email development, you know the drill. Some clients support interactivity, some clients don’t. Other clients show web fonts, some clients won’t. And then there are … Continue reading “Big Announcement: EMC Paves the Way for Email Standards”
How to Write an Effective Email Marketing Brief [Free Template]
The answer to the question “boxers or briefs?” might tell you something about a person’s choice in undies or perhaps their personality. But what if you asked marketing teams if they use an email marketing brief or not? While that has nothing to do with undergarments, drawers, bloomers, or skivvies – teams that write up … Continue reading “How to Write an Effective Email Marketing Brief [Free Template]”
Gmail vs. Apple Mail: Key Differences for Email Design and Development
Occasionally, an excited email designer contacts us, saying, ‘I was testing on my iOS and suddenly my styles are working in Gmail! It’s actually responding to my responsive design!’ Or a frustrated designer will email us, saying, ‘I thought responsive designs worked on the iPhone? My customer says this email isn’t working at all.’
These misunderstandings have a common source: confusion about the mail apps for the iPhone.