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Top Email Testing Tools to Preview Your Email
Whether you’re part of a large marketing team or a freelance email developer, email testing should be an important part of your workflow. It can save you the embarrassment, brand repercussions and lost ROI of a broken email. Now that we’ve established how important testing is – which email testing tool is right for you? … Continue reading “Top Email Testing Tools to Preview Your Email”
A Day in the Life: Gangsta Rap and Email Design
A day in the life of an email marketer or email developer – what does that entail, exactly? Earlier this summer, we ran a contest where we asked our customers and followers to share their Email on Acid story. We received a ton of great responses and we look forward to continued feedback from our … Continue reading “A Day in the Life: Gangsta Rap and Email Design”
7 Tips for Designing and Developing Emails for the iPhone
The iPhone is more popular today than ever. Make sure your customers get flawless emails on their iOS devices.
Why Is Email Testing So Pricey?
When we talk to email marketers and developers about the importance of email testing, it’s not hard to convince them of the benefits; emails that render properly can improve subscriber engagement and ROI. Ultimately though, they come back to us with an important question about email testing cost: Why is it so pricey? Of course, … Continue reading “Why Is Email Testing So Pricey?”
A Look Inside Our Team’s Email Workflow
Creating emails can be tricky; there are a lot of features to test and many pitfalls waiting for you. That’s why having a solid email workflow is an invaluable part of any email production process. At Email on Acid we pride ourselves on our extensive knowledge of email marketing and development. People look to us as … Continue reading “A Look Inside Our Team’s Email Workflow”
Free Responsive Email Template
With mobile on the rise and so many of our users inquiring about best practices for developing responsive emails, we figured it’s a great time to offer up a series of free email templates to get you up and running as fast as possible. Check out our first free mobile template…
Convert Special Characters to HTML Entities [Free Tool]
Coding special characters for HTML emails is one of the trickiest bits of email development. Each special character has a corresponding HTML entity; for example, the Chinese character “漢” has an HTML entity value of “漢“. This means developers often spend time looking up and memorizing code for each special character. It’s not easy! That’s … Continue reading “Convert Special Characters to HTML Entities [Free Tool]”
How to Grow and Maintain Your Email List [Twitter Chat Recap]
The basis of any successful email marketing campaign is a healthy and engaged subscriber list. Without this, your campaigns will continually underperform and – even worse – land in the spam folder. Although it’s such an important part of email marketing, building a healthy email list isn’t the simplest task. That’s why we decided to … Continue reading “How to Grow and Maintain Your Email List [Twitter Chat Recap]”
Getting Started: Using Your Email Test Results
Are you new to Email on Acid? Get the lowdown on how to access, analyze and troubleshoot issues in your email test results so you always get the most bang for your buck.
10 Email Newsletter Mistakes Marketers Should Avoid
Creating a successful email newsletter is quite an undertaking for a marketer. There’s content, design, send frequency, and subscriber lists to consider. Then, once you’ve done all that work, you need to test the design and make sure your code doesn’t break somewhere in the process. And of course, after you send the newsletter, there … Continue reading “10 Email Newsletter Mistakes Marketers Should Avoid”
What’s New with Gmail and What Does the Future Hold?
Discover what’s new with the latest Gmail update and what email developers and marketers can expect further down the pipeline.
Free MailChimp Template for Your Summer Email Campaigns
Download this free MailChimp template that you can use in your summertime email campaigns.
How to Create Excellent Emails for Outlook.com
Learn how to code email for Outlook.com and how to work with some of the most common Outlook.com bugs.
What’s the Difference Between an ESP, CRM and Email Testing Platform?
what all the acronyms mean, and how these tools can boost revenue and improve
customer relationships.
A Few of Our Favorite Free Email Tools
Email on Acid team dishes about their favorite free email tools and resources.
Developing Email Content for Subscribers with ADHD
Learn why it’s important to consider ADHD when developing email and how you can create content that is ADHD-friendly.
Five Questions About Heat Maps and Email
Learn how to use heat map tools to track clicks and improve your email campaigns.
Which Code Should I Include in Every Email?
Learn how to build email code properly to help ensure your email displays correctly on every device and client.
Siri and Email: How Digital Assistants Can Play a Role in Email Marketing
Learn how Siri reads back email and how you can optimize your email campaigns for Siri.
How Email Spam Tests Work and What You Can Do to Pass Them
is an email spam test? Learn a few tips and tricks on how to test your email
and improve deliverability.