EOA News

Save Time and Your Reputation with Our New Email Spell Check

Image for Save Time and Your Reputation with Our New Email Spell Check
February 27, 2019

Email marketers everywhere have horror stories from that time they sent an email with an embarrassing spelling mistake in the copy. Or that time a curse word accidentally slipped into the preheader text (“ask” is only one letter away, after all).

Sure, spelling mistakes may not make-or-break an email campaign, but they can affect your brand’s reputation. In the end, that reputation plays a part in customer loyalty, ROI, and an organization’s success.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our new email spell check tool.

The new spell check tool—which you can find inside Email on Acid’s Campaign Precheck—aims to save email marketers time while helping protect their brand reputation. It will find misspelled words in your email message and allow you to fix them directly in the app.

And here’s the kicker: The built-in spell check tool scans both the visible and invisible parts of your email. It looks email copy as well as hard-to-reach areas like alt text, the email title and the preheader text, helping make the email QA process more efficient and accurate.

Try spell check

How It Works

Once you log in to your Email on Acid account (or sign up for a free trial), navigate to the Campaign Precheck tab on the left of the screen. If you have your email HTML or URL, go ahead and add it. Otherwise, send a test email from your ESP to Campaign Precheck.

If you’d like, you can select a specific workflow to use in Campaign Precheck, such as spell check only. Otherwise, you can go through all five Campaign Precheck steps (accessibility, preheader preview, URL validation, image validation/optimization and spell check). Learn more about creating and editing workflows.

Campaign Precheck workflow

Here’s how the email spell check tool works:

  1. First, we’ll scan your email to see what language it is in.
  2. The tool will walk through each misspelled word in your email and provide suggested corrections. We’ll also check for possibly confused or mistyped words, such as profanities. You’ll have the option to ignore the error, ignore all, or change to a suggested word.
  3. If you choose to change the word on the spot, we’ll go ahead and update your code for you – no need to go back into the HTML to make the change. If the suggested word isn’t what you’re looking for, you can enter a word manually (we’ll still update your code).
Email on Acid spell check tool
Email on Acid’s spell check tool. It will check your visible copy as well as invisible text, such as image alt text (click to see it larger).

More to Come

We’re excited to offer this new spell check feature – it’s something no other email QA tool has today. But this is only the beginning.

In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be working to improve and expand our spell check tool, such as adding more languages. Stay tuned!

Save time. Save your brand. Save your butt.

Ready to give spell check a try? See how it can save you from extra proofing steps and help you send more accurate, polished emails. Sign up for a free trial today and take it for a test drive. Or, log in to your existing account and give it a shot.

Note: If you do not have a current Email on Acid subscription package, you will need to upgrade to a current package to access Campaign Precheck and the new spell check feature.

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