Email Marketing

Which Email Professionals Should Purchase an Email on Acid Subscription?

Image for Which Email Professionals Should Purchase an Email on Acid Subscription?
September 6, 2018

Email marketing teams come in all sizes and styles. There are big teams, small teams, B2B and B2C, some that include veteran developers and others that outsource coding to freelancers. And while we would love to be able to help make everyone’s email life a little easier, we recognize that Email on Acid’s email testing platform isn’t the right fit for every email marketer or developer.

There are many different email testing platforms available, and we think it’s important that your email team finds the testing platform that works for you. Our goal is to provide as much information as possible and to allow our readers to choose the tool that’s a good fit.

With that in mind, we wanted to set the record straight on who may or may not benefit from an Email on Acid subscription.

Email on Acid may not be a good fit for:

1. Marketing teams that have small, simple email subscriber lists.

Email testing is crucial for anyone sending to subscribers on multiple devices and email clients; an email that looks beautiful on one email client could look terrible in another. The complex world of email clients and development doesn’t have any set coding standards, which means you’ll need workarounds for certain email clients (like Outlook and Gmail). However, if you have a small subscriber list using only one of these clients or platforms, email testing may not be an important part of your workflow or worth your investment.

2. Marketing teams who don’t use email as part of their strategy.

We love email, but not everyone feels that way! Some marketing teams may use other channels to reach customers. Likewise, Email on Acid may not be the right fit for a marketing team that doesn’t see value in email testing. If email isn’t a core part of your strategy, email testing may not be worth your investment.

3. Email marketers looking for a tool to send their email.

Email on Acid is pre-deployment QA platform, not an ESP. We leave email deployment to ESP experts like Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Iterable etc. Email on Acid tests your emails before you send them out to subscribers, and our auto-process feature allows you to use our platform alongside an ESP.

4. Email marketers looking for a drag-and-drop/WYSIWYG email editor.

Our platform may not be the right fit for an email marketer who needs to adjust an email design but doesn’t have any coding or HTML experience. For example, the Email on Acid Email Editor tool requires some coding knowledge to use; it doesn’t allow users to drag-and-drop different visual elements to craft an email. It does, however, give you the ability to edit your HTML and visualize changes in real time.
If you’re looking for a “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) email editor, we recommend looking into something like Or, you can seek out an email service provider (ESP) or customer relationship management platform (CRM) like MailChimp, Hubspot, Campaign Monitor etc. that have these tools integrated.

While Email on Acid may not be the right fit for certain email professionals, our product team is always working to improve our platform, so we can provide more value to our customers and the email community. Keep in touch with us through emailFacebook or Twitter, and you’ll be the first to know about product updates and new features.
If you have a suggestion for our platform, please don’t’ hesitate to contact us! We’d love to hear from you.
If you’re looking for more information on email testing software, check out these resources:

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