Email Marketing

How to Send a Marketing Email via Text

Image for How to Send a Marketing Email via Text
November 29, 2019

SMS marketing is an up-and-coming channel to reach more subscribers in real time. If you are looking for a way to send customers a promotional email via text message, email messaging is the most optimal way by far. There are a lot of useful mobile apps for reading emails on smartphones, but marketers still need help when sending a promotional email via text to a targeted group of subscribers. For these types of sends, you will need to know your subscribers’ phone numbers and carriers. One of these solutions is also Gmail-specific, so knowing which clients they’re on will be helpful as well.

Here we will discuss some actionable tips on how to send an email via text message using:

  1. Email clients
  2. Google Chrome extensions
  3. Web app services

Plus, we’ll talk about how they can help with campaign personalization.

Email Clients

Change the message format

First things first, you’ll need to change the message’s format so it can deploy as a text. You can do this by replacing email addresses with the recipients’ 10-digit phone numbers (in the format: 8-888-888-8888) followed by their service provider code. For instance:

  • AT&T: [10-digit-number]
  • T-Mobile: [10-digit-number]
  • Sprint: [10-digit-number]
  • Verizon: [10-digit-number]
  • MetroPCS: [10-digit-number]
  • GoogleFi: [10-digit-number]
  • Cricket: [10-digit-number]
  • Virgin Mobile: [10-digit-number]
  • Alltel: [10-digit-number]
  • Republic Wireless: [10-digit-number]

Here are some small precautions to keep in mind when using an email client to send an email via text message:

  • On AT&T, the subscriber receiving your text can also reply via text, which you’ll receive via email.
  • T-Mobile restricts messages to 160 characters. If a message exceeds 160 characters, it will convert to a picture message.
  • When sending pictures or any other types of files, send them as attachments.
  • On Google Fi, you can send text messages as well as attachments, including images, video, and audio files up to 8MB in size.

These tips also apply when you’re sending multimedia messages.

Multimedia messages

Messages containing more than 160 characters in the body are known as multimedia messages. These kinds of messages are often sent via a Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and allow for images, videos and other file attachments.

If your subscriber’s messaging plan doesn’t support Multimedia Messaging, they won’t be able to actually view your message. Even if they can receive and open it, sometimes (depending on their plan), they may be charged an extra fee to view your message content. Just something to keep in mind when thinking through your multimedia message content strategy.

To send a multimedia message via email, you’ll use a similar format as above, just with minor adjustments in the service provider codes:

  • AT&T: [10-digit-number]
  • T-Mobile: [10-digit-number]
  • Sprint: [10-digit-number]
  • Verizon: [10-digit-number]
  • MetroPCS: [10-digit-number]
  • GoogleFi: [10-digit-number]
  • Cricket: [10-digit-number]
  • Virgin Mobile: [10-digit-number]
  • Alltel: [10-digit-number]
  • Tracfone: [10-digit-number]

Google Chrome Extension

If you want to send an email via text message specifically for your Gmail subscribers, there’s a Chrome extension you can check out called Send Your Email to SMS (text).

Just to note, this option is best for plain-text emails. This extension automatically re-formats the original email for proper texting, however, it cannot render HTML or fancy email CSS as a text message. Additionally, any customer responses to your text will arrive through Gmail. This makes it easy and efficient to answer any questions your subscribers have.

This extension makes text messaging from email much more simple and efficient. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about service provider codes.

In addition to this, it’s worth mentioning that Gmail and Google Calendar link to the  If This Then That (IFTTT) service, which is a smart device management system. Basically, you can create messaging “recipes” or automations that trigger certain responses across a variety of channels. In this case, you could set up an IFTTT recipe to schedule an email text using Google Voice, which may be more efficient than doing so in an email client.

Web App Services

If you want another efficient alternative for sending an email to text message, web-based services can also be beneficial.

We suggest Message Media because it makes sending an email via text message quite easy. It’s designed for businesses of large and small scale, and can handle messages via rich communication services (RCS), SMS, MMS, Messenger and WhatsApp. While Message Media functions pretty similar to the service provider codes mentioned earlier, it comes with several additional perks. You can follow individual threads of conversations with subscribers more closely so you don’t overlook anyone’s question or engagement. Additionally, you can send an email via text to international customers.

You have the ability to schedule messages, personalize, use templates, get advanced analytics, integrate with your API, and so on. All of these and more can come in handy for your business’ efforts to reach more customers.

How it Works with Personalization

Say you have a loyalty program for VIP customers. Sending hyper-tailored texts for exclusive offers, promotions, early access to events, etc. can reap huge ROI rewards. Since text messages boast one of the highest open rates of any marketing channel, if a main KPI of yours is opens, you may want to consider weaving it into your overall strategy.

Don’t forget to test the emails that aren’t being sent as text messages one final time, right after you check your content and inbox deliverability all in Campaign Precheck.

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