EOA Gives Back

Email on Acid Gives Back

Contributing to the community is a key tenet of the Email on Acid culture. Since our founding, we've always looked for ways to give back to the email development and email marketing community and our efforts in this area have flourished in the form of education through blog posts, white papers, guides and webinars. We also enjoy collaborating with others in the field in ways that will advance all of our collective efforts. We believe it's important to contribute to our local and global community in ways that extend beyond email development and email marketing, too. Over the summer, we spent time sorting donated medical supplies at a local Project C.U.R.E. warehouse. This locally-based but globally-focused nonprofit organization, provides high-quality medical supplies to resource-limited communities around the world. Since it was created, the organization has reached individuals in 130 different countries. In our time at the warehouse, we became intimately familiar with a wide variety of medical equipment. From scalpels to heart catheters to pulse oximeters, we sorted it all, and came away with a deep appreciation for both the organizations that donate items to Project C.U.R.E. and the hospitals, community health centers and clinics around the world that provide medical services to those in need.

Email on Acid Gives Back

Then this week, we headed out to a nearby Toys R Us store to purchase toys for the Denver-area Toys for Tots campaign. Created by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Toys for Tots is a national nonprofit that collects new, unwrapped toys each year to distribute as Christmas gifts to children in the local community.

Email on Acid Gives Back

It was the first time in years that many from the Email on Acid crew had ventured into a Toys R Us, but that didn't hinder our toy-purchasing abilities. From magic kits and board games to teddy bears and Lego sets, the purchases we amassed were as varied as our personalities. Each individual had $75 to spend, and—if we do say so ourselves—we spent it well!

Email on Acid Gives Back

We're hoping the joy we felt as we took a few minutes to walk down memory lane (turns out Pokémon cards, Barbie dolls and Play-Doh turn us all into kids again) is transferred to the recipients of those gifts and that the piles of toys provide a happy, fun-filled holiday for lots of kiddos in the Denver-area.