Email Marketing

Why Is Email Testing So Pricey?

Image for Why Is Email Testing So Pricey?
July 31, 2018

When we talk to email marketers and developers about the importance of email testing, it’s not hard to convince them of the benefits; emails that render properly can improve subscriber engagement and ROI. Ultimately though, they come back to us with an important question about email testing cost: Why is it so pricey?

Of course, the cost of email testing varies depending on the platform you’re using to test your email. It also depends on the size of your team, the number of emails you send, and how much value you find in your testing tool.

We’d like to break down the cost of Email on Acid and what factors play into the price of our platform.

What Influences Email on Acid Prices?

At Email on Acid we strive to offer pricing that is competitive in the market, while allowing us to constantly improve our platform. We continuously enhance our product, build infrastructure, and support our users with new and improved features and benefits.


Email QA-ing software isn’t a cheap operation to run. To create our product, we’ve had to develop custom applications for every email client and device preview (that’s more than 90 at last count). Also, we need a massive infrastructure to support the applications, so that we can provide fast and reliable email test results for our customers.

Email on Acid is more than just a website – it’s a set of tools and a full testing platform. There are thousands of servers processing screenshots and maintaining our application at any given time.

It’s also important to note that Email on Acid handles thousands of emails at once, some good and some bad. If someone sends a bad email to our system, we need to make sure we have the infrastructure to recover and keep everything else up and running, so our customers can continue to test and use our platform.

Email Client Updates

Let’s not forget the ever-changing email landscape. Email clients are constantly adjusting their features and user interface. When that happens, we have to change our platform as well, so we can provide accurate email previews.


Hardware and software aside, we also need engineers, developers and IT professionals to maintain this infrastructure, as well as other teams that keep the rest of the business running – marketing, customer success, sales and operations.

Future Investment

We also factor in product investment with our pricing, so we can continue to grow and offer new and improved features for our customers. Your monthly subscription will not only fund the maintenance of our product, but it will also help us invest in new offerings to make email testing and email marketing even easier.

What Does Email Testing Cost with Email on Acid Cost?

We offer four different plans for our customizable workflow. Each plan differs in the number of users (sometimes called “seats”) and a set of features. We offer our first-class customer support, Email Inspiration, and email Resources to every subscriber, regardless of plan.

Here’s an “at-a-glance” grid to help explain the features for each plan. If you want more information regarding plans and pricing, please visit our pricing page or contact sales.

Email on Acid Pricing Grid 2020

What About Integrations?

If you are an email service provider (ESP) or another email tool that would like to integrate Email on Acid into your platform, we offer white label solutions for Email Testing, Spam Testing and Advanced Email Analytics. Read more about how ESPs can benefit from white labeled email testing.

Like our Enterprise plan, the pricing for these white label solutions will vary depending on the size of your platform, the number of users you have, team size, and which tools you are looking to integrate. If you would like to learn more about these integrations, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Do You Have More Questions About Email on Acid Pricing?

If we didn’t answer your question here, please feel free to contact us. We’d love to chat more about our platform, email testing costs, and any concerns you may have.

Start Testing Today For Free

Email on Acid is the most affordable email testing platform on the market. Our tool gives you the power to preview your email on more than 70 email clients and devices, so you can send better emails and improve ROI. Try our platform free for seven days and see for yourself.


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